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Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character Page

Information on Character Creation and Applying to the Guild



WFR Application Page

Want to be a member of the guild? Already a member, but want a second (third, fourth) character? Apply here!

WFR Guild Members

This is the list of accepted players and their characters. You don't post here. The mods do. But it's a great page to read over to find some of the best players in Elftown.

For tips on character creation, see Role playing for Dummies.

WFR Char RACE Page - A page listing different races your characters can be.

WFR Char RANK Page - A page listing different ranks and classes your character can have.

Alignment - A page describing different alignments, which basicaly is a basic outline of your character's moral code.

Size - A page describing the effects of how big or small your character is.

If you're looking to make an actual game a part of the guild, you're in the wrong spot. WFR Games and WFR Quests has the info you need. :)


Ladies and Gentlemen, WFR is getting huge! Thank you all for your character submissions!


Once you're accepted, you get to post this nifty badge in your house.



Just copy-paste this code into your house description to display the badge!


Characters in Limbo

These are potential acceptees who need to make some changes before we can approve them. If you're on this list, please do something about it, even if that only means messaging one of the mods and letting them know that you're no longer interested!

Characters in Limbo are 'anarchic creatures', tattered, un-finished entities whose creator-gods and avatars abandoned them in the cosmic vast, left stranded and mis-guided; soulless voids, the carnal temples who shall forever be swept in the current of dying elements, to be cast some day into oblivion or into the Deeper Vast, the area of the cosmos where life make no sense, and where death is in the past.

The WFR Lost Characters, however, are not anarchic and are not lost in the sweeping ridge of the cosmos, past the heavens and hells... they're just flat out lost. Sent on adventures never travelled, looting hordes that just plain don't exist, these fools roam the universe, hidden from the eyes of any truth, since their players have abandoned... well, us. Players who do not show up to Elftown for months and years at a time are sent to this land of misfit characters.... Not to Limbo.

Malbosha Please add/edit info
Fuin [Oddjob] Please add more info
Selek [Punk_Rock_Mosher] Please add/edit info
Whupem [benjismokin] Missing Info
Neuuval Sleavunsu Missing ID info, cant contact creator because no user name.
Edorita [Savior of the Broken] Pending class change or MOD exception
Marius [F34R :82:-DE] Pending skills description and personality additions
Gelina [Bahn] Unknown species and unspecific skills.
Jade Sparrow [jade_sparrow13] I dont even know this characters name and needs more skills
Thayandegea Nioshia USER NAME USER


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2003-11-28 [iippo]: :D

2003-11-28 [Kamona]: Erm... I'm sorry i know im slow... but why is there a 'Kamona CHAR' thing above my char discription? was I accepted? *is very confused*

2003-11-28 [Blood Raven]: so your char page and your user page (your house) don't get confused with eachother. at least, that's why i think it is

2003-11-29 [xido]: well, I had to fix something with the bold-commands, and decided I'd put it up until Leara adds you.......which doesn't seem to be happening.......anyone want the job????

2003-11-29 [MathiasIV]: YOOOO hey, I already have applied and been accepted. Do i need to do so for a new character or...well what I guess hehe. Still fairly new at these proceedings

2003-11-30 [Phyn]: I'll take over the Char app page if ya want OI

2003-11-30 [xido]: ok......if Leara doesn't want it, you're it....she's on right every word.....we say......(loves Neverending Story)

2003-11-30 [Leara]: hey.....don't give away my job!!!!! ; _ ; I can't read anything large such as applications at the moment though, not till my bro fixes the damn monitor, the words or overly large and very bright....its hurts the eyes ^^;

2003-11-30 [xido]: ok......sorry, the can have another job soon.....I PWOMISE!!!

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: can't you change anything about your monitor settings?

2003-11-30 [Phyn]: umm why don't you just change the desktop settings?

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: why dont you try changing both?

2003-11-30 [Leara]: I don't know how....its an old monitor too >.<

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: on my monitor i can call up a little menu screen where i can adjust all that stuff

2003-11-30 [Leara]: not me ^^;

2003-11-30 [Phyn]: right click with your mouse on the desktop, click the little tab that say's display, move the dial to the left... things'll get smaller

2003-11-30 [Leara]: won't work, it made my computer crash...

2003-11-30 [Phyn]: ehhh.... no good....

2003-11-30 [Phyn]: you need a spec done on it.... but I'm unfortunately out of that buisness.... sorry :(

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: you has problem

2003-11-30 [Leara]: this computer is a piece of shit.....V.V;

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: wack it, maybe it helps

2003-11-30 [Leara]: nope...

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: well, calling a helpline is out of the question too. Those people are getting paid to have you on the phone waiting for as long as possible 0.o

2003-11-30 [MathiasIV]: 0.o mayhaps I didnt ask loud enough???

2003-11-30 [Blood Raven]: just post here or buy xido ^^

2003-12-02 [MathiasIV]: there I put him up there anyways cause I was bored. Hope I did it right :P

2003-12-02 [xido]: buy me?!?!?!??! I'm not for sale, thank you very much!!!! (although I am a whore on the side, just for extra cash, but don't tell anyone........D'oh!!)

2003-12-02 [xido]: LEARA!!!!!!!!!!! Set my people FREE!!!!!!1

2003-12-02 [xido]: the boy, you're moderator until she gets up and running....

2003-12-03 [Blood Raven]: i meant bribing you. Maybe i got confused and mixed them up or so.

2003-12-03 [Phyn]: ummm ok Phyn's Moderator now... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2003-12-03 [Lauralanthalasa]: us all

2003-12-03 [Phyn]: I'm going to take care of all the charater innates tonight after work... ok all -Nik

2003-12-03 [Blood Raven]: you know, that seems like a LOT of work to me

2003-12-04 [xido]: It is.  Izual's ok....(shouldn't Malichi<===>Maliki be switched, in terms of pronunciation?)....he's good too. The drowess...very cool. I like the history. Commentaries are great.....after it's accepted. Otherwise, we get lost in the extras. The barbarian....that's a class...not a race....unless it's a facet of his cultural background. They're all good. DO IT NOW, THE BOY!!!!

2003-12-04 [xido]: I love messing with him.....thank the dehara he's not close enough to hit me.....:)

2003-12-04 [Lauralanthalasa]: oh dear

2003-12-04 [xido]: oh, don't "OH DEAR" me, little missy!!! I'll excommunicate you!!!! Demanifestation, *SKYLAB* and ACME anvils all over your ass!!!!! x.o Kandle, my love, I'm going to sqoosh your wittle head inside out!!! Goop!

2003-12-04 [Phyn]: Oh my god.... it's another anvil fight.... *takes cover*

2003-12-04 [Phyn]: Mathais, your character is an ogre? That's ok... but "barbarian" is a char class, not race. Any type of humanoid can be a barbarian. Choose a race from the Species Page or from the Creature_List Either is fine, just please for the sake of an anally retentive RPer such as myself. :)

2003-12-04 [Phyn]: Other than that small detail... he's GREAT! Nice job

2003-12-04 [xido]: I would post Human/Ogre, if that's the right mix......otherwise, I like to call him an ugly kidding

2003-12-04 [Phyn]: well... that's what I'll post it on his page as, but if he wants to change it to something else, he can... I mean it IS his character.

2003-12-04 [xido]: No it's not; it's MINE!!!!!!  YOU'RE ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!1 Muahaaaahahahahahahahaahhhaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2003-12-04 [Blood Raven]: we aren't anymore when we've gotten our own page

2003-12-04 [Blood Raven]: right?....

2003-12-04 [Phyn]: huh?

2003-12-05 [MathiasIV]: Roger that Phyn hadnt really thought about it. He is only part ogre though...

2003-12-05 [MathiasIV]: So my only other question is I seem to be the ONLY user up there with two characters, should I change them into one character page or leave it as is.

2003-12-05 [Phyn]: no, I also have 2 char pages, but I didn't see your other char, I'll fix it...

2003-12-05 [Blood Raven]: I've got 4 chars, but one of em ain't in the WFR wiki, one is stuck in some tavern but the other two are still active. I just posted my second char on this page and after a while it was accepted and now I play with it

2003-12-05 [MathiasIV]: Thankee much Phyn yee have been much help :)

2003-12-05 [Phyn]: NP

2003-12-05 [Leara]: My hard drive went pooof.....; _ ;

2003-12-05 [MathiasIV]: Eep.

2003-12-06 [xido]: mine goes, 'BUZZZZZZZZ'...........x.o

2003-12-06 [Phyn]: mine goes.... ummm wait mines not really a hard drive mines a little imp that I poke with red hot needles to do my bidding... *evil grin*

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: Yay for red hot imps getting poked with little needles...or whatever hehe :P

2003-12-06 [Phyn]: I see you share my enthusiasm about torture... perhaps I shall recruit you into my army...

2003-12-06 [Blood Raven]: mine works on lapricons and brownies i captured in the woods near my house. If they don't work I eat them, with chocolate coating they aren't bad... And they are dumb, they have this idea that if ye work hard enough you shall be released someday... Yeah, when I find faster ones the old ones get kicked out, that's true, when I'm not hiungry anyways... TERROR REIGNS FOREVER!!

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: I prefer chocolate covered nymphs but thats just me...

2003-12-06 [Blood Raven]: I like undressed nymphs but that may not be a good subject for everybody on elftown

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: :) thats what chocolate coating is for... trust me hehe

2003-12-06 [Blood Raven]: hehe lol

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: Of course whipped cream works too but that tends to melt a little faster.

2003-12-06 [Blood Raven]: lmao

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: Not that such melting is always a problem mind you but there is always the chance that kids could be abound lol :P

2003-12-06 [Blood Raven]: i c, lol

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: hmm wonder if we could get someone to draw a nymph covered in melting whipcream.......

2003-12-06 [Blood Raven]: that would require either bribing or a horny artist...

2003-12-06 [MathiasIV]: Hmmmm I know just the person....... Er wait... I cant draw....

2003-12-13 [Resiska]: See if your character passes the test! Enter into the RPG Character Competition!!!

2003-12-13 [MathiasIV]: ^a shameless plug :P^

2003-12-13 [Leara]: 'unparalleled swordsman' ......should someone like that be allowed.....

2003-12-13 [MathiasIV]: Good point, I say nay. There is always someone bigger and better than you out there :)

2003-12-13 [Phyn]: I actually think that people shouldn't be able to post god like characters. Mostly because the people who are trying to run games get pissed with them when they pull the super hero crap. However, if they want to play those chars, they can, they just won't get anything out of it. However, I don't believe people should have "Plainswalker" as a class.... considering that's a prestege class, and you need more info about said class.

2003-12-13 [Phyn]: Besides, isn't the purpose of RPing to have a character go through trials and senarios? That char is 60,000 years old... there's nothing he wouldn't have done that could be done. 

2003-12-13 [Leara]: I think I'll ask them to adjust the 'unparelled' stuff.

2003-12-13 [Phyn]: Besides, personally I think the cut off for character classes should be level 20. No more. Because after that point, the character becomes an epic adventuer, like Xena or something akin to that. I mean, she fights gods... after 20th level, that's all there is to do at that point. Someone who's 60,000 years old would be far past that point.

2003-12-13 [Leara]: level? o.O

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: ok, in DnD there a level system for giving powers, getting better at skills, more hit points, etc. A newly made character begins at level one, and a character thats gone through many adventures would be level 20. After that 21-40 are epic levels, obtaining god-hood if you will. Because level 40 is the cut off... there are no more levels after that.

2003-12-14 [Leara]: well this isn't D&D, so levels mean nothing here.

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: understandable, but it's similar in all RP games, there is a cut off for powers and skills and hitpoints. And it seems a little too cheap to let someone play (forgive my termanology) Jesus.

2003-12-14 [Leara]: I rp on other wiki's on elftown, godlike players only piss everyone off, so I'm not letting someone that no one stands a chance against with a sword in, so that part of the character will have to be toned down, I like the character, but that can cause problems

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: I agree with Phyn, there should be more restrictions on player abilities. If the particular RP really calls for it then use your character at a higher level than they are posted. Ok this is easier to understand. When you make a character. Make them pretty base. Say what you want them to look like, History, some general skills, etc none of this god spawned from the 7 pits of hells stuff.... But thats just my opinion, I could be wrong.

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: I just think, that when you compare this character to several of the others on this site, Kim_lundin's, hell mine, etc etc etc, sure some of them are powerfull but the point of a RP character isnt to single handedly take down a friggan army

2003-12-14 [Leara]: there are no levels.....hopefully ppl are experienced enough at rp'ing to know how to fight evenly and have weaknesses

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: only about half of the people who are on the wiki's actually RP fairly, most people want to get on here and play gods. I agree with Leara that people should be mature enough to actually RP instead of just going "Oh I decided I'm the greatest person in the world and I win" But there is one other thing about that char that isn't good. Half dragons only live half as long as normal dragons (Just read this in my fast book collection) and a full blown platinum dragon would only live to 30,000 years of age. And as for his elven side, half elves live as long as humans so that part is out of the question. His character could only BE 15,000 years at MAX, before he begins to die. 

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: And there arn't 200 different Plains for him to traverse. Even taking in all of the Demi-Plains, there still arn't that many. Unless he thinks that the Plains are different versions of reality, in that case, he doesn't know the class he's trying to RP and needs to know more about it before he get's accepted.

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: I realize that I sound like an asshole, but I'm a bit tired of it all. 

2003-12-14 [Leara]: different versions of reality are just alternate dimensions

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: a dimension is different than a Plain. Different realities would be based on the Material Plain (The basic plain, where we are, where most RP games take place, etc..)

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: I agree with Phyn. But it's a bit hard to introduce a level system here isn't it? I think the control of chgars allowed should be sharper. I tried the superero stuff too. That char would probably be an arrogant asshole now too, if Phyn didn't complain the shit out of me in the very first wiki i entered with the guy, which besides was a half-dragon too, but only 20 or so.

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: he did have a nice history, maybe I adda enter him in that competition...

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: about the 60000 years old half-dragon up there, does the guy have a weakness? I remember my half-dragon could use his claws like a mon, his blade and spells, but when he was angry he'd go berserk, plus he's strugling with his inner dragon constantly, because the dragon sometimes wants other thing as Aratil. On this guy I haven't really found anything which could possibly make him weaker

2003-12-14 [Leara]: hhhmmmm.....perhaps he's to godlike.....

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: yeah, i know, he does things very sslloowwllyy. needs at least a 1000 years to do something

2003-12-14 [Phyn]: yes that's it... that means he's only done a whole 60 tasks... if that's the case he's fine in my book :) (Laughing, but you can't see me)

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: In any other RP setting a dragon is a very slow character to make. Simply because they have an extended lifetime. Saying that you are at the max end of the life scale is like saying that you are at the max end of the level scale. See what I am getting at? we dont really need a level scale we just need some consistancy so that people who are trying to have a serious RP with characters that might have to AVOID a battle with 5000 demi gods can do so without such interuptions...

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: yeah i get it. basicly super-chars can be helped by sharper controls before the chars are accepted. Don't let those semi-god guys in. And to make it fair check the older pages for semi-gods guys again and tell the users to remove them. Well, it's probably pretty harsh, but it would be a solution

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: Or maybe we could work on creating a Gods and Goddess section of WFR

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: could create classifications. This character is a god, This character is an Adventurer, This character is a Lay Citizen, Etc Etc and then some wiki's could have restrictions placed by the creator

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: Well basicly you could divide the WFR into sections and let somebody watch over a section so things don't get out of hand. That person then may have the title "God"/"Godess" and may interfere if godly might if stuff gets out of hand.

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: that would work as well. Just a posting of note, There is a bad wiki link up in the charater section under the name muffin killer. Probably missing the @wiki but I am not going to change it for fear of screwing things up :)

2003-12-14 [Saber]: its missing the '_'

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: Er lol, thats right, good call. Its not the wiki page its the user :) thats what I meant... what he said *wanders off muttering to himself* ^_*

2003-12-14 [Saber]: ^_^...and im not editing the page since of a fear of messin the page up

2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: don't be ashamed for it, it happens more often these days *looks at Mathias*

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: *First he stares at Blood Ravn like this 0.o then he stares at Blood Raven like this o.0 then this @_@ and this +_+ *


2003-12-14 [Blood Raven]: *confused with mathias weird looks*

2003-12-14 [Resiska]: _._  I am sleeping upside down and my back aches!

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: *shrugs cause he has no idea what is going on either*

2003-12-14 [Resiska]: it was random...

2003-12-14 [MathiasIV]: I dont know why but I really really like this new character. Let me know what you think. sorry for lack of history but I have to log off for a while. I will make it good though. No worries hehe. :) let me know if anything else needs changing

2003-12-15 [Phyn]: Mathias, he's nice... I'd accept him even pending the History as long as you post it on his page.

2003-12-15 [Leara]: no acceptance till its all there :P

2003-12-15 [Phyn]: *stams "ACCEPTED" onto Mathias's app while Leara isn't looking then runs away*

2003-12-15 [Leara]: hey! I have the authority! not you! *PFFFFTTTT* ; _ ; stop stealing my job! he'll be in when the history is up!

2003-12-15 [Phyn]: hee hee hee... I only take over your job when you dissappear for ever...*stands far enough back to avoid hits* Xido told me to do it

2003-12-15 [Leara]: well I'm here, computer not broken no more! *cries*

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: so service is speeding up again?

2003-12-15 [MathiasIV]: I hope I have time to write a history for him today... I dunno though, work is pretty hopping

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: histories are better if ye have some nice sentimetal scenes in them :P gives ye a better chance at the competition

2003-12-15 [MathiasIV]: lol have you seen my other characters. They have the ESSENCE of sentiment, you should check them out :) Omerye D'Norre Ragnarous Apocalis

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: I think Aratil's history is better. He's my char and my entry

2003-12-15 [MathiasIV]: Sure its long enough, but look at the location... haha haha

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: what's wrong with the location? what location? Gimme more information! KNownledge is power! mhuahahahahaha! plz?

2003-12-15 [JTHM]: are you ok.......

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: in my mind? no, not really, why do you ask? knownledge is power is a quote by the way. Some philosefer made it up.

2003-12-15 [JTHM]: Yes i know that but your Crazy i tell you crazy........mhuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: well I've been heaing that this whole year so I don't mind. Besides you don't sound too, uhm, mentally correct either. Wanna be partners in madness?

2003-12-15 [JTHM]: Sure..........

2003-12-15 [Blood Raven]: okay, let's laugh maniacally together. All together now: Mhuahahahahahahahahahaha!!

2003-12-15 [JTHM]: Mhuahahahahahahahahahaha!!

2003-12-15 [MathiasIV]: Shuttcher Gob!!! *throws a cupcake and sticks it to bloodravens head*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: hey, I was just having fun. FOOD FIGHT!! *thows dead chicken at MthiasIV*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: GAH!!! *mathias grabs a package of jello cups and begins scooping thier contents and heaving them at BRaven*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: *grabs yelly pie and throws it at Mathias*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *ducks and then starts gunning hard rolls at Raven*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: *grabs coke bottle and shakes it, then shoots content at Mathias*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *opens his mouth REALLY wide and sucks all the coke in*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: *takes champage shakes it and shoots the thingy-on-top-whatever-it's-named into Mathias' mouth*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *gags on the champaigne cork until he coughs it up onto the floor in a giant puddle of phelgm*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: *shoots another cork*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *catches it in his teeth and says* "ahaaaaaunnnn*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: *frowns* whatever *throws balls of molten cheese*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *dives behind a table and upends it, just barely skimming past the molten cheese which lands and burns a hole in the character page floor. Someone on the main WFR page looks up through the hole and shouts 'Hey watch it with the really hot cheese, it almost burned me!'*

2003-12-16 [Phyn]: *opens door into the room to see what's become of it* OH! NOW COME ON! FOR PETE'S SAKE! Now you two clean this up before someone comes to appy a char. It's supposed to be a neat lobby with refreshments... NOT! a foodfight! *walks out*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *blows a giant raspberry at Phyn, then he THROWS a giant raspberry at phyn*

2003-12-16 [Phyn]: AHHHHHHHHHH

2003-12-16 [Phyn]: ahem... SKY-  wait... I forbade that..... hmmmmm well then what to do.... OH! *SKYBLEEDER!*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *does a little dance and then jumps down the hole into the WFR main page to get away from Phyn*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: hey cool, rabbit hole like bugs has. *jumps in too*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *pops his head back through the hole and taking the que from Blood Raven he whoops out a carrot and takes a crunch while saying 'ennnn whats up doc?'*

2003-12-16 [Blood Raven]: lmao but let's not forget Phyn's immense power. *starts cleaning up by throwing all food in the hole, on porpose forgetting Mathias is still in there*

2003-12-16 [MathiasIV]: *but mathias isn't there anymore. Raven doesn't notice because he is really busy cleaning. Mathias appears standing on a piece of garbage that Raven is reaching for. 'Ennnn whatcha doin doc?'*

2003-12-17 [Phyn]: Smiles at the display... and for kicks makes Bloodraven sprout bunny ears

2003-12-17 [Blood Raven]: *touches new ears**looks at Bugs Bunny imitating Mathias* hey doc! I'm the only rabbit in this neighbourhood!

2003-12-18 [Leara]: ok ppl, whats your opinions on Leahnorra?

2003-12-18 [Lauralanthalasa]: a bit on the powerful side.

2003-12-19 [Leara]: hmmm....thats what I was thinking,,,,doesn't seem to be any openings for weakness

2003-12-19 [Phyn]: teh only weakness that I see is this "large dislike for pain" however that's not a weakness... EVERYONE DISLIKES PAIN... this seems to be a DND char that she got to a really high level with while playing with an OH TOO NICE GM/DM

2003-12-19 [xido]: no comment

2003-12-19 [Phyn]: then why did you post a comment?

2003-12-19 [xido]: to be a dickhead

2003-12-19 [xido]: 'cause I can

2003-12-19 [xido]: 'cause it's my Character Page

2003-12-19 [xido]: 'cause God told me to

2003-12-19 [xido]: and because the children.......WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?!?!?!?!

2003-12-19 [Phyn]: Umm no... the rich needed some firewood so I sold them the children

2003-12-19 [xido]: O.O        oh dear

2003-12-19 [Blood Raven]: lol, but anyway the discussion was about Leahnorra right? She knows both magic and melee combat techniques. Reacts fast, powfull magic items blablabla. Another char which good defeat a whole party by herself. Is that allowed?

2003-12-19 [Nere]: is there any purpose to it??

2003-12-19 [Hoita monk]: Re: 05:36:09: phyn: actually, there are some people who like pain. due to a certain medical contition known as sado-masochism, there are groups of people who wilfully inflict harm on themselves. not much use in an RP, though. I should stop being pedantic. oh, well.

2003-12-19 [Saber]: yeah but isnt that more of preference not really a weakness. ‘I hate being kicked’ isnt such a weakness but more of a preference not to being kicked? Like ‘I like pain’ doesn’t make that a strength?

2003-12-19 [Phyn]: yes, that is what I said, and my point. She needs a weakness

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: And the new dwarf too i guess. I mean his only weakness is that he can't stand tickling? c'mon... And it's another char which can do magic and melee combat, while monks (in DnD rules) can't cast any magic. They can't have armor and weaponry, except for special monks weapons. They are good in unarmed fights. "He set off to do good" and next he learns necromancy. If there is 1 evil art of magic it's necromancy. That part of the story ain't right. And he probably learned Mysticism already in his cloister, but I don't care about that. My main comment is another char without weaknesses. Can't stand tickling is about the same to 'doesn't like pain' like some1 will tickle you in combat?

2003-12-20 [Leara]: could ppl please stop comparing this to D&D?

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: Could people please stop entering super chars?

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: Besides, it works that way in other RPG's too

2003-12-20 [Leara]: man.....are ppl to lazy to write DETAILED descriptions lately or what? o.O

2003-12-20 [Leara]: I think one of the reasons alot of new entry's seem godlike is because their not writing much on the character, maybe if they wrote more they would have flaws that their not writing in....

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: Hmm... yeah could be. Say if you aren't too busy. I'm complaining here constantly about too strong chars, but it could be my chars are pretty strong too. Would you check them again and see if they apply? If you have time that is. I'm sure you're very busy but I would appriciate it.

2003-12-20 [Leara]: O.O Holy shit....I think I'll wait till morning when I'm awake to read that....I kinda dozed off twice in the chair already ^^; Wish these ppl would hurry up, get my msg's and fix up their characters >.<

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: my char page that big? Well, you DID say they should be detailed. Aratil is my entry in the char contest too so.

2003-12-20 [Leara]: have more than one character ^^; So reading it all at once is like reading a book ^^; And now that I think of it....I've never heard of a monk doing more than simple healing spells o.O

2003-12-20 [xido]: Leara, PLEASE don't swear....please. However, I do like this form of peer-criticism for character review better....perhaps commentary is the best way of doing this.....??? Everyone seems to have a good idea of what good characters ARE, right? With as many people as watch this page, it makes for a great review process in and of itself. It takes a village to raise a child, right?

2003-12-20 [Hoita monk]: Ok, I have changed my char. to give him some major weaknesses, and limits on his strengths. These include weakness to fire, only one castable spell, which only affects himself; and Kunas can only wield one weapon besides hand to hand: the staff. hope this is OK..

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: sounds good to me.

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: OK sorry but I HAVE to intervene. This whole thing about characters having a weakness... ONE weakness??? Thats crazy. GODS have more weaknesses than that. Seriously, if you want to play a character that will never have to face the trials and tribulations of life then by all means do so, but please to to stay away from my characters as they are mostly human and therefore easily killed....

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: Oh yeah and I am still working on a viable history for Mr DieBold up there :)

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: We're discussing chars which should AT LEAST have 1, and alot have none

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: TADA history is served. I guess I am just an old fasioned gamer, you know the kind who never used the cheats in warcraft, and didnt twink his characters in EQ and liked to play the civilian turned hero in D&D etc, but these characters seem just a little TOO fantastic.

2003-12-20 [Leara]: Thats not better! One weakness means NOTHING else can harm him, which is bull. >.<

2003-12-20 [Leara]: Umm....and Mathias...o.O If someone can't defend against him with magic, or physically, then how?

2003-12-20 [Blood Raven]: DieBold's history sounds good

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: eh? I mearly ment to say that he has the ability to damage types of defences that might otherwise be impervious to fists. It takes a lot of energy out of him but I mean if all it takes is a shielding spell or a suit of armor to stop him, he wouldnt be a very good monk would he.

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: Eeesh, I have become a nit picker. I keep finding things to change on my character. I need to stop reading it. And honestly people whats with these two bit characters??? Is it really so taxing to take a few minutes and make the character come to life? are history and a vivid description beyond all you!?!?! Come now are you Troglodites or are you Mice!?!?!?!

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